Wednesday, March 21, 2012

T-Ball for Julian!

Julian had his first t-ball practice yesterday.  He was so excited that he started getting dressed in his baseball gear several hours early.  Once we got there he still had that eagerness to play and be part of the team.  He joined in the stretches and played a little catch.  Then his eyes started wandering.  First he decided to play near a soccer goal that had been left up.  He got caught in the net.  I ushered him back to his team.  Then he ran off to the playground (of course we practice right next to it).  I didn't mind too much, besides he had participated a little and it was only the first practice.  Then he started wandering father and farther away, running even farther when I called to him.  It all went to hell in a hand basket and we left early.  Julian was upset that we were leaving because he wanted to bat, even though we both knew he was going to run back to the playground.  So that was fun.  Oh Julian. 

Anyways, I am still proud of him for participating a bit.  Hopefully his game this weekend and future practices will go better.  Or at least some of the other kids have breakdowns so I don't look like the only parent trying her hardest to keep her cool in the face of thrown tanbark.  

He sure did look cute out there though.  He are some pics of Julian warming up.  

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