Saturday, September 21, 2013

Fall Soccer 2013

All 3 kids are playing soccer this year!  Leo and I have our work cut out for us.  There are several games where all 3 kids play at the same time and the remainder have at least 2 games overlapping.  I know we will get it all figured out, but you can bet I'll be making some Auntie and Grandma phone calls for help on a few of those Saturdays (be ready for those Jamie and mom).  Let's check out the kids in action shall we?

This is Naomi's first season playing soccer and her team is the Tater Tots!  She did so great!  She dribbled the ball everywhere, around people, through cones, into the goal.  She's a natural (like her mom).  She participated in most of the drills and only became distracted about 20 minutes after the practice/game started.  That was fine because the coach called it  a day around the same time.  It's so nice to have  coach that doesn't try to make the kids last through an entire 45 minute to an hour schedule!  2 year olds just don't have it in them!  Anyways, look how cute Naomi is in her uniform!  

Julian is going to have a great season!  He's on the Tigersharks (yeah, the kids couldn't pick 1 name so they went with 2).  He has been happy and excited to go to practice.  He wants to participate in the drills and is making friends with the other players.  Of course he also has his competitive streak and most of the time he's telling someone that he beat them or he won.  Yeah that trait comes from me, I'll the first to admit it.  But I'm just happy he is playing and more importantly, WANTS to play.  A big change from past seasons.  He played really good this morning - following the ball, getting in a few great kicks!   I love that a few pictures show his handsome smiling face.  He had a fun morning on the field.

And here's Noah!  This season he is a Shark!  Sadly I also found out this specific league doesn't go past 2nd grade for soccer so this is Noah's last soccer season here.  He's played with Fearless since he was 3!  Noah has been practicing with the cast and doing pretty good with no injuries to himself or others.  The coaches checked with the refs and we all decided as long as he didn't get too crazy and start play dangerously he could participate.  Which is really awesome because he did SO GREAT!  He is still one of the fastest kids out there and had a few break aways towards the goal.  He was usually wherever the ball was and had good positioning for passes when he wasn't.  Now we just need to work on his shots at goal!  

And a couple of all the kids together!  Soccer family!  Looking forward to another fun season of being a soccer mom.