Wednesday, August 3, 2011


There are so many pictures from our recent trip to Maui...I couldn't possibly post them all on here.  I will however share a great pic of the boys with some tropical friends they met.

I wish we were still there.  So many great memories that I hope to always remember...and being a bit older this trip I hope Noah will remember too.  Playing in the ocean, sand and pools.  Snorkeling and boogie boarding.  Getting to proudly watch my guys surf.  Seeing how confident Noah and Julian became in the water with each passing day.  Eating delicious fresh fish.  I already miss my mango smoothie every day.  I liked smelling of suntan lotion on a daily basis and waltzing my pregnant belly around the resort in a bikini with nary a sideways glance (in fact I got several compliments a day on how well I'm wearing my pregnancy).  

There truly is an amazing island spirit in Hawaii and I hope it stays with me and my family for months to come (along with our truly bodacious tans)! 

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