Thursday, July 14, 2011

Cuddle time

Summer Camp has worn me out.  All the waking everyone up in time, feeding, dressing, sun-blocking, teeth brushing, preparing lunches, getting out of the house, and driving back and forth is making me so tired!  But I'm not the only one.  Noah has come home every day for 3 weeks telling me how tired he is.  He just wants to have a snack and rest once we get home.  He seems to have all the "oomph" wiped right out of him.  So today when I got us home Julian was asleep as usual.  I laid him on the couch and all I had left in me was to take up the empty spot available next to him.  Noah decided I looked pretty dang comfortable so he laid down in front of me, covered us both up with a blanket and we all slept.  A good deep sleep for at least an hour and a half.  But the best part of it all was that I got to cuddle with Noah.  He is such a big boy now and like his mommy - a total busy-body.  He rarely takes time to sit down by me (or anyone for that matter) anymore.  And we are always on the go that often times I don't get to sit with him and just hug and talk.  Knowing that he will start Kindergarten soon, I'm making a personal vow to myself to slow down and spend more time babying my baby before he's off to school all-day, every-day.  

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