Thursday, April 7, 2011

baby bumps

2 weeks ago I realized I was feeling the baby move.  I was pretty excited because I had been waiting for that strange bubbly, fluttery feeling for a while.  I thought I would feel movement much sooner this time.  But I guess since I spend my day playing and chasing and herding Noah and Julian I barely have time to sit and notice what is happening inside my body.  But I am definitely noticing now.  #3 wants to be acknowledged and has given a grade-a effort to make his/her presence know.

Speaking of gender, my ultrasound is scheduled for 4/12 and I am chomping at the bit to find out what the gender of the baby is.  The majority of my relatives and friends think it's a girl, but my hunch is they think that because it's what they want.  I've had several dreams that it's a boy, but that could be because baby boy is all I know.  And though I can push out an 11 pound baby, I'm not made of the stuff my girlfriends are...they have chosen to not find out what they are having.  I don't think I could take that route for several reasons;
1. I want to buy gender specific items for the baby.
2. It's hard enough to come up with a first and middle name for one baby.  I don't want to worry about a back-up.
3. I like being able to prepare and organize accordingly.
4. I don't think it would be fun at all.

So the poll is up...what's it gonna be?  Boy or girl?

1 comment:

Sheelagh said...

I'm thinking girl, only because the odds ore there. You already have 2 boys, chances are that this one will be a girl. Best of luck! I'm excited for you are so excited to hear the gender of your baby. I can wait 9 months for mine, but can't wait to know for my friends!!!