Saturday, April 30, 2011

New Princess Coming To Town

Baby Girl sucking her thumb

Baby Girl looking cozy 

When Leo and I first heard the baby girl news at the ultrasound appointment we were more scared than excited.  Actually you could probably say we were both terrified.  There was complete silence in the room when the nurse announced we were looking at little lady bits.  There were fearful eyes and tense smiles.  Just prior to that Leo blurted out that he saw a was then I realized we were both on board for another boy.  Heck, we knew what to do with a boy.  We knew what to expect.  We are headed into uncharted territory here.

Jump to a couple days later.  The nervousness subsided and we started to get really excited about having a little girl.  Is she going to bring an air of calm to the house, or is she going to be rough-and-tumble to keep up with her brothers?  Am I going to be a "play dress up with my little doll" kind of mom, or raise a tom-boy?  Either way I know it will be fun to buy dresses, bloomers, ruffle butt pants, tu-tu's, mini pink Adidas gear, sparkly shoes, headbands and everything pink and purple in absolute and unnecessary excess (which I got to do for the first time this afternoon - thanks Mom!).  It has been quite nice to hear the boys talk about their sister, and Leo about his daughter.  

We've been scouring our brains, books and internet for the perfect name.  We are asking Noah and Julian for their input as well.  Since they both knew it was a girl maybe they have the inside track on a great name.  All we know for sure is she will carry on the middle name my mom and I share.  A nice and easy legacy to work with since it pretty much fits well with any first name.

Noah has a short list of names he's picked, which we pretty much vetoed right away - but they are amusing.  Every time I ask him it changes and I'm highly curious as to where some of these names came from.
  • Jessica
  • Sheila
  • Calypso (Pirates of the Caribbean)
  • Delilah (maybe from the song)
  • Felicia (Shrek)

So, now there is an official heir to my throne...a new princess coming to town.  I guess that makes me the Queen.  I'm good with that.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Happy Birthday Leo

Today is Leo's birthday.  Every day since I met him 10 years ago I've been grateful that he is in my life.  He is my best friend and confidant.  He's been my partner in crime and knight in shining armor.  We've shared good times and survived a few that are debatable.  Had lots of laughs and a few tears (on my end).  Made new friends and visited lots of places.  Made absolutely adorable children that we both cherish to no end, and have grown a few grey hairs along the road.  But I've loved every minute of it all!

I look forward to continuing to grow our family, take on challenges, and enjoy what every day has to offer with him.  So here's to a loving husband and fantastic father... I couldn't have asked for a more perfect match!

Happy wishes Leo.  

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mood Swings

Oh got the best of me last night.  If you could please give me a small break it would be greatly appreciated.  Leo took it like a champ.  He left me alone and didn't try to continue any arguments when I was feeling irritated.  He swiftly took charge and helped with the kids when he saw I was getting overwhelmed.  And when I had a melt-down from comparing myself now to pictures of myself from 10 years ago he reassured me that I was beautiful and gave me a place on his shoulder to cry.  I have to admit, even though it's like a parent telling their child they are cool (or whatever they are wanting to hear), it still felt good.

You're the best you.


Thursday, April 7, 2011

baby bumps

2 weeks ago I realized I was feeling the baby move.  I was pretty excited because I had been waiting for that strange bubbly, fluttery feeling for a while.  I thought I would feel movement much sooner this time.  But I guess since I spend my day playing and chasing and herding Noah and Julian I barely have time to sit and notice what is happening inside my body.  But I am definitely noticing now.  #3 wants to be acknowledged and has given a grade-a effort to make his/her presence know.

Speaking of gender, my ultrasound is scheduled for 4/12 and I am chomping at the bit to find out what the gender of the baby is.  The majority of my relatives and friends think it's a girl, but my hunch is they think that because it's what they want.  I've had several dreams that it's a boy, but that could be because baby boy is all I know.  And though I can push out an 11 pound baby, I'm not made of the stuff my girlfriends are...they have chosen to not find out what they are having.  I don't think I could take that route for several reasons;
1. I want to buy gender specific items for the baby.
2. It's hard enough to come up with a first and middle name for one baby.  I don't want to worry about a back-up.
3. I like being able to prepare and organize accordingly.
4. I don't think it would be fun at all.

So the poll is up...what's it gonna be?  Boy or girl?