Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Date Night

It's not often that Leo and I get out alone.  Or are offered a gift card to enjoy dinner at a nice steak house!  My parents generously did both a few weeks ago and it was a much needed break for our sanity.  Thank you mom and dad for the dinner and the couple hours away, it was wonderful.  

Now I just wanted to share a funny little story about our dinner.  We went to the Forbes Mill Steakhouse in Los Gatos.  It's a nice restaurant, everyone was dressed up and it was very quiet inside.  I immediately thought to myself, I would never bring my kids here.  The maitre d asked us to follow him to our table and we were lead into an isolated room off the side of the main dining room.  Just as we were about to sit I did a quick scan of the room and realized we were being banished to the kid room.  I giggled out loud and told Leo, "do you want to sit in the kid area?" That's when Leo realized where we had been sat and he laughed as well.  I explained to the maitre d that we had 3 little ones at home and were trying to enjoy a kids-free night out.  Some of the diners at the other tables started laughing at my statement, and we were promptly moved to the main dining room.  We enjoyed our champagne, meal and then visited a bar after dinner to relax a bit longer.  It was a great date, one of the funnest ones we have had in a long time.

But I am left thinking, is it that obvious we are kid people?  Is MOM written across my forehead or was it the blob of snot on my shoulder that gave us away?

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