Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Baby day?

Today is my due date.  I have no feelings or signs that the baby will actually arrive today.  Leo is positive it's because there is something I haven't prepared for yet.  So let's take a look at the checklist...

Carseat installed - check
Stroller built - check
Crib and bedding set up - check
Hospital bag packed - check
Kids overnight bags packed - check
Baby outfits washed and ready to be worn - check
Hospital paperwork signed and turned in - check
Pre-admitted to the hospital - check
Necessary toiletries for the homecoming - check
Miscellaneous necessities restocked - check
Plenty of food for school lunches so no mad dashes to the grocery store - check
Name for the baby - check (but don't ask because we aren't going to tell until she shows up)
Backup name in case it's a boy - working on it

So what am I missing?  Help me out here people!


Sheelagh said...

YOU! You are missing you! A little time for yourself. Believe me, I have done this 4 times! hahaha

You need to take time to relax with yourself and feel ready. All of those other things are great, but you and I both know that they are not even necessary for a baby. They need very little. You need more.

Us moms forget ourselves in the big picture so often. Take time to think about the birth. Think about how your other births went; what you liked or wanted to change. How they went and how you felt. Then think about how you want this one to go and what you might be stressed about. Talk it out with yourself and with your hubby. Have a game place, but be ready for it to change.

How about a date with your hubby without the boys? Or a date with each boy separately. At this point you are obviously (by the list) ready with all the stuff, now look inside and check the emotions. Oh and remember not to get too worried about your little girl being late, she might need some more beauty sleep.

Best of luck! I have been checking in every day. So excited for you.

JCW said...

You are ready! I'll be thinking of you and looking for an update. 3rd time, piece of cake ; ) love you jen, good luck!