Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Naomi goes Trick Or Treating at The Row!

This past Tuesday I took Naomi to Santana Row to Trick Or Treat.  Last year she was just a little baby Tinker Bell and she was in the stroller/carried when we went out for festivities.  This year she's a sassy little lady who knows how to say "Trick Or Treat," "thank you," and totally grasps the concept of opening her bag to get candy.  She barely wanted to hold my hand, but she made me happy and did.  We walked the ENTIRE shopping area and only passed up a couple stores because the lines were too long.  She did so great and didn't even try to eat any of the candy until we had finished!  My feet were pretty tired, hers must have been also because she napped for 2 hours that afternoon.  We also ran into some friends and spent the afternoon with them, collecting candy and eating lunch.  Oh and if you can't tell, and don't know that she is completely obsessed, she is Ariel this year.