The boys were both very excited to return to school. They both went to bed early and went right to sleep (you would have thought Santa was coming they went to bed so fast). Noah woke up first and he ate his usual breakfast - cereal, while I made lunches. Then Julian woke up and had his favorite meal - breakfast hamburger (croissant, egg, sausage and cheese). They both got ready with no fussing and we were out of the house earlier than ever!
By the time we got to Noah's new 2nd grade classroom he seemed pretty nervous. He put his backpack and lunch box away and found his seat. He had a timid look on his face and I knew he wasn't so sure he was going to like the new class or teacher. But he said goodbye and I knew he would be fine by the first recess. Then we ran off to Julian's room and made it by the skin of our teeth! Of course their rooms are across campus from each other. Julian was also shy and hid behind me as his Transitional Kindergarten teacher greeted him. So I helped him put away his backpack and lunch box, we found his name tag and then found a table with an activity that Julian wanted to participate it…play dough! He sat down and was happy to say goodbye to me. Now I thought phew - that was a breeze! So I headed to the office to turn in their emergency paperwork and then I realized Naomi had dropped her toy in Julian's class. DOH! So I snuck back in and had to look everywhere for it. Julian didn't see me until the last minute and came running after me just to give me a hug and kiss Naomi. Oh that kid just steals my heart every time.
At the end of the day both boys had great reports! Both are already quite fond of their teachers and have rekindled friendships and are making new friends quickly. And in the last 2 days Julian has come home with 2 "Gotcha Cards" for being respectful and Noah came home with one for being respectful and responsible. **Gotcha cards are given out to the kids when they are "caught" doing something good. I have a feeling it's going to be a great year.
Julian's face is classic in this picture!
In front of his door and the nerves set it
Feeling a little anxious
Welcome to TK Julian!
His favorite activity - play dough
Didn't take long for him to befriend his teacher (walking back to class from PE)
Naomi wanted a backpack too so she could be just like her brothers. So we found her this mini one!
And she's basically the coolest almost-2 year old EVER!