Monday, May 30, 2011

Potty Talk

Julian has me impressed.  We started potty training 2 & 1/2 weeks ago and he is totally getting the hang of it!  It could be that I was putting him on the toilet every couple hours.  Maybe it helped that I let Noah teach him how to pee outside on the bushes.  Or possibly watching his big brother use the toilet has been the main factor in his success.  Which ever it is I am very proud of his strides to becoming a big boy.

In the past few days he has even started to tell me when he has to go #1.  He wakes me up in the morning to let me know he is dry and needs to potty.  And throughout the day he says "MOMMY!  I have to go pee-pee!" and he's running off to the toilet.  Just today he had the same exclamation, but for #2!  #2 PEOPLE!  That's a gigantic step!  Even more gigantic that he actually did it!

I am a very proud mommy tonight.  Let's hope I am not jinxing the progress of this endeavor and Julian continues on his path to freedom from diapers.  Next diaper at night (he is already napping in his undies with no accidents - knock on wood).

Little Froggy Potty Chair only lasted a few says before Julian wanted to use the big-guy toilet.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Caution, now entering Bart Simpson territory.  We took an impromptu trip to Vegas over the weekend.   11 out of 13 pictures of Noah - where he was actually looking at the camera, are chalk-full of goofy faces.  I guess when I say "say cheese" it's a sign to go cross-eyed.  Here are a few examples of his tomfoolery.  

Extreme Smile

Sad Face

Crazy Face

Crazy Face revised with Prom Hand