I keep waiting on his arrival as patiently as I can. Though it is disheartening that a friend of mine was due a week after me and already had her baby. Either Julian is not fully "cooked" yet, or he's just having way too much fun in there, at my expense of course. Either way I am feeling jipped that he's not out yet! Could it be that he will actually show up on his due date of 10/10? That wouldn't be so bad - a nice date I must say.
The good news is that I am fully feeling things that are signs of labor coming on any day now. Backaches, headaches, cramps (oh yeah for the cramps) and even some contractions. I am a frequent visitor of the bathroom at least 5 to 6 times a night, and probably only get about 4 hours of sleep due to discomfort.
When I go out to the store for a walk people stare at me (more gawking than staring at this point) and sometimes smile. Lots of them like to strike up conversation about when I'm due. Others look scared to be in my presence. My mom says it's because I make them nervous!
Hopefully the next time I post a blog I will have a new baby to gush about.