Monday, June 3, 2013

Julian Graduates Preschool!!

Julian graduated preschool last Friday.  It was the sweetest thing ever.  I really had to hold it together because when Miss Robyn hit play on the stereo and the graduation march started the tears welled up instantly.  Then the graduating kids walked up the stage in their little caps and good grief, even I'm surprised I wasn't a blubbering mess.  Julian waved at us and smiled alot, but wasn't interested in singing the songs.  He was pretty shy up on the stage actually.  He decided it would be funny to fall over and got alot of laughs, so of course he did it a couple more times for good measure.  His comic relief was much needed for this mama.  Also, the little boy next to him had this priceless look on his face the whole time…he was so mad to be up on the stage - or at his parents, I couldn't figure out which.

Julian had such a wonderful year of preschool.  He has learned so much since August, colors, shapes, numbers, letters, patterns.  He also learned how to express his feelings with words and how to talk through problems with his friends.  He is writing his name legibly and for some reason that is the most exciting thing for me.  

Next year Julian will be at Castlemont again, but in the Transitional Kindergarten class.  It's the first year for T-K at the school and the second year for it in the district.  I'm happy he gets the chance to continue to prepare for Kindergarten and build on the skills he learned this year.  Also that he gets to do it at a school he has become familiar and comfortable with.  I'm so proud of my little Juju and what awaits him in his elementary school career!  

PS - the clip on tie was all Julian.  

And there's the face!  look at the kid next to Julian!  Classic!

Getting his diploma

Graduating class of 2013

We are all so proud of Julian!

Grandma is proud of him too!

Julian and Miss Robyn

Julian and Miss Caitlin

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