Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Day at the Park

Last week Naomi took an entire loaf of sandwich bread and dumped it on the ground. I set the bread aside to take the kids to the park to feed the ducks. We finally got around to going to a park and we had so much fun!! There were geese, ducks, turtles and lots of baby birds! Julian made friends with a specific duck that wasn't afraid to take bread right from Julian's hand! Of course halfway through feeding I noticed a sign saying "Please Don't Feed The Water Fowl." Oops. So we moved on the the playground and the ducks were forgotten. Naomi had a blast climbing and balancing and drinking from the water fountain. Back in the car the kids wanted their leftover pizza and juice from lunch. Not long into the drive home we had some happy nappers. I'm so glad I get to do these types of things with my babies. <3.

PS the picture of Julian on top of the hill looks like a Bigfoot sighting! Haha!

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