Monday, October 8, 2012

Terrorizing Auntie Jamie

Jamie is spending some time at the nursery she used to work at.   They just set up a pumpkin patch and have the cutest Halloween decorations so I packed up the kids and went to visit her.  Of course it was more like terrorizing Jamie at work as we chased after the boys telling them not to toss pumpkins in the air, put rocks in the pond, or splash water at every fountain we passed.  But the kids always like wandering around the garden, looking at the plants and display bridges.  We all decided our favorite plant was the Shrimp Plant.  Funny looking thing with pink-orange-redish colored leaves that hang with a slight curve resembling cooked shrimp.  I really wish I would have caught a picture of Noah and Julian pretending to be attacked by the fake plastic spiders…that was pretty amusing.  

yay pumpkins

the boys found one just her size

happy to be picking a perfect pumpkin

found a caterpillar

finally all smiling….but looking at Jamie

trying to pick up pumpkins bigger than she is

admiring the fountain

looking at the minnows

what other creatures lurk in the pond?

Noah found a strawberry!

1 comment:

Kim said...

OMG Jen! Your kids are sooooooo adorable!!! I especially love Naomi trying to pick up the giant pumpkins and sticking her tongue out in the group picture! :)