Saturday, January 14, 2012

New motivation

So it's 2012.  All I have done is stay at home.  I have zero motivation to do anything or go anywhere.  I'm sitting here typing, but thinking I need to go get invitations, plan a grocery list, get the groceries off that list, fold laundry, load the dishwasher and start cleaning the house.  But am I doing any of that?  No.  I'm on the computer, typing a blog and browsing nail polish online.  I don't know why I'm so unmotivated.  It could be that I was stuck in the house for 3 days with 2 sick kids.  It could be that I'm still recovering from the Christmas festivities or traveling for a week immediately after Christmas.  Or possibly that all I want to do is read my new Kindle.  Maybe getting out of the house with the kids just seems to tiring?  Whatever it could be I really need to get my booty going and get out of the house for some exercise and fresh air!  So send me some good vibes to get me going!

PS - this is me.

1 comment:

Sheelagh said...

I can send you good vibes, but I also have to tell you that this is completely normal, given that you have 3 kids, one being super small still. It is so hard to get out of the house with lots of little kidos.
It's also easy to be unmotivated and feel as though you are lazy when you have a baby to take care of. Life as a mom of 3 is not easy. Give yourself some slack and allow for the lazy moments. Life will not always be slow and sweet!